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Meet the Team

In-House Research is run by us, Nikki and Tim House – a sibling duo. While our limited company has been running since the start of 2018, the origins of In-House Research began back in 1994.


In-House Research was our mothers third baby. As young whipper snappers we grew up alongside In-House Research, and from our teenage years we started to freelance for the business to earn some extra pocket money.


As soon as “Mother House” started to talk about retirement, we knew it was our time to carry on the family business....our way. We jumped at the chance to quit our corporate sales and marketing jobs to take In-House Research through its next phase. And here we are!


Since taking full ownership, we’ve expanded our global offering for recruitment and full-service market research. We have also launched our Patient Research Panel and more recently our Vets Research Panel. Over the last few years we have built (and analysed) many online surveys for clients, another new service courtesy of our new website.


Business is booming and we couldn't be happier with where the company is heading. We are always looking for new ways to grow our service offerings and support our clients as they too expand and evolve in the world of healthcare.


Nikki House


T. +44 (0) 7769-641-727

Nikki House

  • Nikki House

Nikki began her career in 2004 stepping immediately into senior, global roles at multinational, house-hold brands such as Amazon, Lego and Dyson. With a background in Marketing, Market Research and CRM, Nikki has a vast and impressive knowledge of delivering against tight timescales on large-scale projects. One of Nikki’s biggest strengths is understanding customer needs and the importance of exceeding customer’s expectations. 

Tim face on.jpg

Tim House

Tim face on.jpg

T. +44 (0) 7584-410-930

Tim House

  • Tim House

After studying business at university Tim moved into the world of retail. Moving up the ladder to take on roles traveling across the UK as a business development manager. Tim’s command of the English language and welcoming personality has earned Tim the privilege of developing relationships that are open and personal. This skill means Tim is often the first point of contact for clients who want to speak to a friendly voice and obtain project updates and leave feeling nourished.

BHBIA for medical market research

In-House Research has been a member of the British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association since 1993. All team members are trained and certified in Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Market Researchers and ABPI-approved Adverse Event Reporting.

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